Frequently Asked Questions
What does Apreche mean?
I was attempting to create an account for a popular MUD, and did not want to have a username that ended with random digits. All the words I could think of were taken, so I started to randomly modify them in ways that looked like they made sense. Somehow Apache became Apreche, and it worked.
Thankfully this name is unique as I have not found anyone else using it. It also does not appear to be a word in any language I have been able to find. If you see this name on the web, it is almost certainly me. Other than that, the name itself has no meaning. There is no correct pronunciation as it is not something that was ever intended to be spoken aloud.
Why is there no comments section?
People take for granted that blogs will have a comment section. I have come to believe it was a mistake to set this expectation. Why should anyone give the general public free license to publish on their own website? Why should people burden themselves with the labor of moderation? Instead of commenting I would prefer people contact me directly. Alternatively, people may post comments on their own websites. Then they may include links back to this site to provide their readers with appropriate context.